Need help planning your next trip?
The choice of your vacation is up to you!
And I help you with your day to day!
But how would that work?!?!
When you hire my service, you will send me an email with the main information about your trip, such as: number of days, how many people will go, what age group, countries and/or cities chosen, style of tour, objectives and means of transport to be used.
From then on, I start to research the chosen place and its attractions, and we are progressively putting together its itinerary.
When it is finished, you will receive your script in PDF format by email, containing:
Data on the country / city of your holiday (currency, language, time zone, history).
Accommodation options.
Daily planning: tourist attractions, ticket information, tips and more.
How much?
The value of your itinerary will depend on the number of days you travel. The cost per day is R$30,00. But if necessary, please get in touch with me via email and we can work out the best value for both of us!
Payments are made via Bank Transfer ou PIX.
Stay tuned! Send us a message in advance so that your itinerary is made with as much information as possible, and so that it fits perfectly with your expectation, making your experience unique and unforgettable!
Order your tour right now!