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  • Let's Travel the World

Next stop: Campos do Jordão!

Let’s Travel the World's next destination will be... Campos do Jordão!!! Let's check out an idea of ​​a script for the Brazilian Switzerland!?!?!

1st day:

Vista Chinesa (Chinese View - Belvedere)

Portal de Campos do Jordão

Estação Emilio Ribas (Emilio Ribas Station)

Vila Capivari

2nd day:

Palácio Boa Vista (Boa Vista's Palace)

Mosteiro de São João (Sao Joao's Monastery)

Parque das Cerejeiras Mitsuo Nodom (depending on the time of the year you visit)

3rd day:

Parque Da Floresta Encantada (Enchanted Forest Park - for children)

Ducha de Prata (small waterfall)

Cervejaria Baden Baden

4th day:

Vila Jaguaribe

Museu Casa da Xilogravura (Museum)

Parque Capivari (Capivari Park)

Morro do Elefante (Elephant's Mount)

5th day:

Borboletário Flores que Voam (butterfly park)

Parque Estadual Campos do Jordão (State Park)

6th day:


Museu Felícia Leirner (Museum)

If you are an adventure and nature lover, Campos do Jordão has access to Pico do Itapeva (Itapeva's Peak), Gruta dos Crioulos (Crioulos' Grotto), Pico do Imbiri (Imbiri's Peak) and Pedra do Baú (Bau's Rock), some Tarundu parks, Ecoparque Pesca na Montanha (Park), Truticultura da Cachoeirinha (Adventure Park), Aventura in Rancho (Adventure Park) and Bosque do Silêncio (Park). Oh, and you can still get to know the city in a different way by taking a quad bike ride.

Here is a 6-day itinerary idea. So base yourself on this one....but focus on your style and what you like best! But if you want a little help... just get in touch!!

Stay tuned for the next posts from Let’s Travel the World... our next weeks will be full of knowledge!!!

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